

What can we help with?

It is every breastfeeding mother’s wish to be able to achieve pain-free feeds and for her baby to grow well. Below are some of the situations that we can support mothers with:


  • Painful nipples and / or breasts

  • Difficulties with babies’ attachment/ latch

  • Concerns about babies’ weight gain

  • Reducing dependence upon using nipple shields to breastfeed

  • Increasing milk supply

  • Reducing and reversing need for supplementation with baby milk formula

  • Support to relactate

  • Support to reduce and / or stop breastfeeding

  • Ante–natal support, information and classes


Sometimes there isn’t any particular “problem”, more a sense that all isn’t quite as it should be. Breastfeeding can be a challenge, especially when family and friends don't have experience of it and are not sure how to help.


  • We can offer mothers time to talk about how her life has changed

  • We can help families to confidently navigate through their unique breastfeeding journey

  • We can offer mothers strategies for managing tiredness

  • We can help mothers to feel valued for their invested commitment to their babies