What can we help with?
It is every breastfeeding mother’s wish to be able to achieve pain-free feeds and for her baby to grow well. Below are some of the situations that we can support mothers with:
Painful nipples and / or breasts
Difficulties with babies’ attachment/ latch
Concerns about babies’ weight gain
Reducing dependence upon using nipple shields to breastfeed
Increasing milk supply
Reducing and reversing need for supplementation with baby milk formula
Support to relactate
Support to reduce and / or stop breastfeeding
Ante–natal support, information and classes
Sometimes there isn’t any particular “problem”, more a sense that all isn’t quite as it should be. Breastfeeding can be a challenge, especially when family and friends don't have experience of it and are not sure how to help.
We can offer mothers time to talk about how her life has changed
We can help families to confidently navigate through their unique breastfeeding journey
We can offer mothers strategies for managing tiredness
We can help mothers to feel valued for their invested commitment to their babies